Reclaim Vehicle Information
We understand that having your vehicle towed can be both inconvenient and costly. It's important to note that your vehicle was towed at the request of a property owner, and our role is to ensure compliance with their property regulations. We kindly ask for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. Our customer service agents are not responsible for your vehicle's parking situation, nor are they the property owners or the drivers who facilitated the towing. Treating them with kindness and respect will help us navigate this process smoothly and efficiently for everyone involved.
Notary Form
Vehicles will only be released to the registered owner. If the registered owner is unable to retrieve the vehicle, he/she may write a letter authorizing someone to pick up the vehicle on his/her behalf. THIS LETTER MUST BE NOTARIZED. This policy is non-negotiable. Notarized authorization letters can be emailed directly to [email protected] Feel free to print this page and use it as a template.
Yes. The fees are tied to the Consumer Price Index and are set, monitored and enforced by the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). You can view the most up to date fees here. https://www.udot.utah.gov/connect/business/motorcarriers/tow-trucks/utah-bill-of-rights-regarding-towing/
We don’t set the tow fees. They are set by the DOT and we just charge the suggested amount on the Utah Consumer Bill of Rights regarding towing. In addition, they are two completely different types of tows. When your vehicle broke down you were probably super happy to find a tow guy to come help you out and may have even given the driver a tip. Most people that are towed for parking illegally are typically very upset and often times yell, use profanity, are derogatory and on occasion become violent.
We are continually trying to make things more convenient for our customers. Although we pay a lot of money to have yards all over the State, we don’t charge you any extra to tow your vehicle to our closest yard.
Light duty storage fees increase at a rate of $40 per 24 hours or any portion thereof. If your vehicle was towed prior to 6pm you would incur $40 in storage for that day. At midnight, a second day of storage begins. If you are towed at 6pm or later you will still have that first day storage but the second day will not start until the following day at midnight.
Fees increase every night at midnight.
Yes, as long as the titled owner or authorized person stops and talks to us prior to leaving the scene, you can receive a drop fee. The drop fee is typically 50% of the actual tow fee.
Our driver will continue securing your vehicle and if you arrive back with payment prior to him leaving the scene, you can receive a drop fee.
Once the driver leaves the scene the drop fee is no longer an option.
We encourage you to plan ahead and arrive early enough to allow enough time to reclaim your vehicle before the fees go up at midnight. Once the clock strikes midnight, an additional storage fee is automatically applied.
All of our yards are ‘release by appointment only’. Typically during the week we have someone in our main yard (Provo) from 8am-5pm and you can normally drop by that yard anytime during those hours. It is however a good idea to call ahead and schedule a specific release time so that you don’t get to the yard and have to wait for someone to come meet you. After regular business hours we release by appointment only.
If we are at the yard and not tied up we may be able to release you immediately. If not, you may be waiting for up to an hour while we arrange to have someone come meet you.
No, we do not.
We accept Visa/MC & Debit. The card must match your government issue photo ID and be the same name that is on the title. There is a 3% surcharge for any card used.
Our processing company charges us a fee regardless of it being credit or debit.
Currently we don’t offer a discount program of any type.
I have a disabled placard but I forgot to put it up, do I still have to pay? Unfortunately, unless the placard was hanging from the mirror (where it is required to be hung) or plainly visible on the visor or dash, we have no way of knowing you are authorized to park there. Once your vehicle is towed, it’s towed.
Unfortunately, unless the placard was hanging from the mirror (where it is required to be hung) or plainly visible on the visor or dash, we have no way of knowing you are authorized to park there. Once your vehicle is towed, it’s towed.
Just like you. We are good people in an ugly industry. Parking management is a thankless but necessary service in today’s society. It’s important to remember that nobody at our company parked your vehicle, YOU DID.
Some common misconceptions:
You charge way too much.
In 2020 a fully equipped 4X4 auto loader tow truck cost $78,000. That same truck today is $130,000. Fuel was under $2.30/Gallon, commercial truck insurance rates, maintenance, yard space, garage keepers and liability insurance went up 25-40%. Government overreach is out of control and as a result of that requires a full time employee just to deal with that. If we could adjust our fees according to keep up with inflation, our rates would be significantly higher.
My parking brake was on.
It’s not an issue. Anytime we tow a vehicle with the brake engaged we use tow dollies and lift all four tires off the ground.
My car needs to be towed on a flatbed,
No, it doesn’t. We use tow dollies and lift all four tires off the ground.
My car is all wheel drive.
Not a problem. We use tow dollies and lift all four tires off the ground.
I was only there for 10 minutes.
Unfortunately, if we happen to be patrolling the property during that time frame and see your vehicle in violation you are subject to tow. We don’t know if your vehicle has been there for five minutes or hours.
I was just upstairs visiting a friend, you should have knocked on a few doors and tried to find me.
Unfortunately we don’t know which apartment you are in. We’ve tried that in the past and people were not so kind to us when opening the door.
I am a student.
Excellent! The suggestion could be made that this inconvenience should be viewed as a valuable learning experience.
But I have been parking there for weeks.
The police can’t catch every violation every day and neither can we.
This is the 2nd time you guys have towed my car.
Being towed is never fun. The first time we tow someone we always tell them the violation and how to make sure they don’t get towed in the future.
This is the 3rd time you guys have towed me.
We hope you never get to a 5th time, but if you do, your 6th tow will be on us.
We are from out of town.
Excellent. Welcome to Utah. Sorry, we had to meet like this.
It was a medical emergency.
We are sorry to hear that and hope that those involved are OK.
Your driver just drove off on me with my car and I was standing right there. It happens on occasion. Typically this is the result of you either refusing to pay a drop fee or our driver did not know you were present. Once the truck is connected to your vehicle and has it secured, he may leave at any time. You can approach the driver and request a drop fee. The drop fee is usually 50% of the hook (tow) fee. You can pay cash or card (with a 3% surcharge) at that time and avoid the storage, State administration fee and other possible fuel surcharges. The driver is not required to wait while you go to an ATM or borrow the money from a friend. If you have it and are ready to pay before the driver is ready to leave, the driver will collect the payment and drop your vehicle. If not, you can retrieve your vehicle at the yard. Just seeing a driver driving away is not enough. You must communicate with the driver.
But we didn’t know.
Every property we enforce parking on has signs posted at the entrance.
No-one ever told us that.
That’s a bummer.
That is where they told us to park.
We’re not sure who “they” are but “they” are incorrect. Perhaps you should take your issue up with “they”.
But there weren’t any guest spaces available.
And yet you parked anyway and wonder why your car is here.
I have permission to park there.
If that were the case you wouldn’t be reading this.
The spot was covered in leaves or snow.
Guess you should have uncovered it.
You can’t tow my car because it has expired license plates.
You are not correct. Most HOA’s and property management companies require vehicles to be registered, operable and road worthy.
You have no right to tow my car.
Yes, we do. We provide contracted parking control services for all types of privately held properties.
I’m going to call the Better Business Bureau on you guys.
We’re happy to explain the fees or why your vehicle was towed and that it was at the request of a property manager, HOA or private individual. If you still feel the need to complain to the BBB, you have that right.
I’m going to call the police.
I’m going to make a formal complaint to the Department of Consumer Affairs.
I’m going to sue you.